Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby

we are thrilled to welcome catherine claire taylor. stats: a whopping 9 pounds 3 ounces and 22 inches long born on monday, october 18 at 5:10pm.

everyone has told me that having a child would teach me flexibility. they were right. holy cow. this child had plans of her own from the get go. birth plan? yeah, right. all natural? yeah, right. my water broke on sunday, october 17 at 4:33am. after twelve hours with minimal contractions and soaring blood pressure, we headed off to the hospital. iv's, meds, induction - you name it and i got it. after 16 hours i had finally dilated to a 10! woo hoo. time to have a baby, right? we then began pushing...for 5 hours or so. the baby was having trouble moving under the pelvic bone. eventually, it appeared that her head was descending only to find that the cappitt (conehead) was actually swelling. 37 long hours later mom and dad were off to the surgical room for a c-section.

while claire's birth was not what we had hoped or planned for, we did get exactly what we wanted - a perfectly healthy baby girl. she had to battle breast feeding jaundice for a few days but her bilirubin levels are stable and she is well hydrated.

so far, claire has been a lovely baby. she is a great eater and sleeper. as each day passes, her alert phases get a little longer. it is fun to watch her little eyes look around in wonder at all of the new things this big world has to offer. we have taken a few walks to the park but mostly we stay around the house and just stare at this beautiful miracle.

brand new

three days old

hanging with sissies

cuddling with grams

grandpa and his sugarfoot...aka bigfoot

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